Sunday, November 20, 2005

Creepy Hispanic Guy to the Rescue

How is it that Desperate Housewives has trance-inducing powers? The show is so cheesy and dumb, but when it's on the TV I have to watch it. So note to self, next time you get in the car of a known convicted felon, check to make sure there are door handles and a window turner thingie. But it all turned out well.

Had a pretty good weekend. My husband left yesterday for Africa again (didn't mean for those to come so close together). Went to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert last night, it was absolutely phenomenal. I wasn't sure I would really enjoyed but they are some incredibly talented musicians.

Spent the day today cooking stuff for work tomorrow, we're having a big pot luck lunch. I made some gingersnaps and pumpkin dip and pecan pie. So far it looks like it all turned out okay. I actually enjoyed doing the domestic thing.

I finished another of Deneen's felted bags in chocolate and blue. But I made it a bit bigger and used a different stitch for the accent color. Will show pics as soon as I can figure out how to load the pics on the camera my husband didn't take.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got DH on tivo--I'll have to watch it today while joining those endless 63 squares.

BTW, have you sent your addy to Deneen for the X-mas wish list? Just curious.

10:51 AM  
Blogger none said...

I love transiberian! How cool that you went to their concert. :)

4:35 PM  

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